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Please add your own Code Critique to this forum.
Your submission can volunteer a curio, a provocation, or a full interpretive argument. The code in question may be found or created. Whatever the case, it is also an invitation for discussion by other workshop participants. You may submit more than one critique if you have more than one code object of interest!
A few recent examples of critiques have addressed After Jasper Johns, Bernhardt's WAT lightning talk, Emote8, femme Disturbance library, Function Explorer, hello world in LOLCODE, (Speaking Code), Jailbreak the Patriarchy, and SCIgen.
Select the Code Critiques category.
Click the "New Discussion" button.
Fill out a title, provide your code, and offer some contextual information about its source and your interest.
Below is a suggested format -- all entries are "if applicable":
Name of program:
Name of author/s:
Year circulated/published:
Programming language:
Requisite hardware:
Code snippet (excerpt of code).
Use toolbar paragraph-icon > "code"; for more see Forum Tips and Tricks.
Description of how the code operates:
Explanation of how you regard the code:
Discussion questions: