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Adapted from the book- Aesthetic Programming: A Handbook of Software Studies, the last two chapters. - Winnie Soon & Geoff Cox
We offer the bonus chapter in the book Aesthetic Programming: A Handbook of Software Studies in the form of an “Afterword: Recurrent Imaginaries,” a machine-generated chapter based on the contents of the book, on what has been learnt, and what might be unlearnt. In chapter 10, Machine Unlearning, it contains the sample code that is adapted from ml5.js - CharRNN, ported by Cristóbal Valenzuela with additional contributions from Memo Akten in 2018. Instead of using the pre-trained model provided by ml5.js that was trained using the literary works of Virginia Woolf, we offer another pre-trained model based all the chapters of this book. In this way our example learns from previous chapters and generates a new text based on the generalized style of the others. Of course there is a process of reduction here that exemplifies some of the political issues with regard to knowledge production.
The training process uses a “Recurrent Neural Network” (RNN) and “Long Short Term Memory” (LSTM) that analyze and model sequential data, character by character. Both are useful in terms of character-by-character training because the order, and context of the text are both important to generate sentences that make sense to human readers (this is related to the field of “natural language processing”). This recurrent type of neural network can capture long-term dependencies in a corpus in order to make sense of the text pattern through many iterations of the training process, using markdowns in the form of characters and symbols from each chapter as raw data. What we end up with more or less makes sense, in its processing of text, but also source code, image links, captions, and so on, but most importantly with the machine generated text in the bonus chapter it provides an insight into how a machine learns from our book in contrast to what the readers of the book might have learnt. Here we return to one of the main objectives for the book, i.e. exploring some of the similarities and differences between human, and machine reading and writing: what we refer to as aesthetic programming.
We are interested in how this book might open up recurrent imaginaries for aesthetic programming, in the form of further iterations, and additions to chapters by others. We are inspired by Ursula K. Le Guin and woud like to delve into the imaginaries of reading, writing, coding and thinking: “As you read a book word by word and page by page, you participate in its creation, just as a cellist playing a Bach suite participates, note by note, in the creation, the coming-to-be, the existence, of the music. And, as you read and re-read, the book of course participates in the creation of you, your thoughts and feelings, […] the ongoing work, the present act of creation, is a collaboration by the words that stand on the page and the eyes that read them” (1977-1978).
let charRNN;
let textInput;
let lengthSlider;
let tempSlider;
let button;
let runningInference = false;
function setup() {
// Create the LSTM Generator passing it the model directory
charRNN = ml5.charRNN('models/AP_book/', modelReady);
// Grab the DOM elements
textInput = select('#textInput');
lengthSlider = select('#lenSlider');
tempSlider = select('#tempSlider');
button = select('#generate');
// DOM element events
// Update the slider values
function updateSliders() {
function modelReady() {
select('#status').html('Model Loaded');
// Generate new text
function generate() {
// prevent starting inference if we've already started another instance
if(!runningInference) {
runningInference = true;
// Update the status log
// Grab the original text
let txt = textInput.value();
// Check if there's something to send
if (txt.length > 0) {
// This is what the LSTM generator needs
// Seed text, temperature, length to outputs
let data = {
seed: txt,
temperature: tempSlider.value(),
length: lengthSlider.value()
// Generate text with the charRNN
charRNN.generate(data, gotData);
// When it's done
function gotData(err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log("error: " + err);
select('#result').html(txt + result.sample);
runningInference = false;
* run the code:
* source code:
* Afterword: Recurrent imaginaries:
* Machine Unlearning:
One of the interesting sections of the generated bonus chapter:
In a feminist for this chapter, live and unpy and the source code to move need to develop produces itself. Chapter 8, “Que(e)ry data,” trans. Face) has a class, a “smart” that is returns a closer loops are developed a modifying code with the code or solve an auga was partly rendering to the technical intelligence as a form of software and new emoji stairs are requires itself — to further identify able to mered model in the dataset by noats in order to train how cultural and powerful writes injustices that look with archificational logics,19 declared the network for political and changing that our deaden, that coding it operative file, you learn to Chinister and syntax continue to show the credentials, and distributed mobil purposes, and are contingencies which properties and behaviors, made server libraries and adding the Universals us too and happens entries that we do not just automaticulas on focusing of this sense of hiding up the present in generator form from software and originally deeply encourage the execution, and commerciculusing of learning to develop because the function draw(), the program and ellipses is a new syntax with other syntaxes from the curated by specifying compring try was the web cam tracker practices and conceptual thinking to use.
Discussion Questions:
Thank you to @siusoon and @geoffcox for this glimpse into the text generating process! I have been curious in particular about the process for training the model on the entire book in order to generate the new chapter. I shyly reached out to Winnie offline, and they agreed we could share more details here...
from Winnie:
from me:
from Winnie:
Thank you @siusoon for this additional context on the delicate process of training with a model for text generation from scratch. I'm curious if others have worked with model training or transfer learning in their experiments? And what does looking at their codes with an eye to Critical Code Studies help us consider about how text is produced and consumed?
@SarahCiston thanks so much for reaching out. I have seen your chapter talking back where you have included building your own chatbot ex, in which you have used ListTrainer. I wonder how do you find the process?
That is surprisingly functional, both in the code and in the comments. I like that
to grow. I see that temperature ranges from 0 to 1.0. Maybe it could max out at 1.5 instead? If you pay a little bit of carbon quota (in crypto, of course) you could have 2?What's the interaction between the seed and temperature? I can imagine (from programming knowledge), but what would be the other interpretations? In a kind of hermeneutical "wrong answers only" mode.
Association about AI generation of books, of seeds, and (raising) temperatures: I somehow remember there was a problem, or rather "a problem" if you are nihilistically/surrealistically bent, that Amazon¹ was spammed with robo-generated publications when ebooks and Kindle were all the hype? A strange new kind of spamming.
Sincerely I never link to sources like this but it's justified this time:
¹ the megacorp, not the beautiful forest
After a little bit of JavaScript UI hacking, the following result with temperature at 1.5 degrees:
I don't dare to try 2 or 3 degrees ... who knows what would happen to Amazon. Curiosity killed the cat, even the mighty Amazon jaguar...
Thanks for asking about the ListTrainer process, @siusoon
It was interesting working with a premade tool like chatterbot which tries to provide a more immediate conversation, after building my own (not quite) chatbot to interact with the reddit community more asynchronously. Folks can try out the chatterbot example here if you like
I think the most striking part of the experience with tools like chatterbot for me is how much sample input text is required, how the gaps are revealed in the illusion of a smooth experience. That it really is just a list of pre(human)made phrases matching up to a bunch of best-guesses. Takes the mystery and magic out in a big way, but also helps imagine what other modes might be possible, what other kinds of exchanges too.
As I consider version 2.0 of ladymouth, I'm definitely trying to consider quite how much and which kinds of machine learning should (and shouldn't) be involved, and how much it shapes the design vs how much the bot I imagine might shape the choices of ML I could use. In these senses, I really appreciate the careful attention which you've given to laying bare your processes with machine learning and text generation here.
@SarahCiston Thanks for your thoughts on the training aspect of the book. More conceptually, we also tried to highlight how training/learning operates across pedagogical and technical registers. Machine learning is of course founded on its comparison with human learning (especially in child development) but what would other kinds of learning might be imagined (beyond what Freire would call the banking model of education)? We say something along these lines in the book too. So with the playful final chapter - aside from getting it to resemble meaningful prose - we try to point to the power relations between learner and the source of external authority (teacher, the book, etc.). We thought it important to try to understand the methods by which computers are trained, the kinds of knowledge the computer acquires, in contrast to what human learners acquire though reading a book such as ours.
@Mace.Ojala yay i think having the temp at 1.5 or above may help to make apparent the notion of learning in relation to control, randomness and (un)predictability (pedagogically speaking